Activity details

Date March 21
Time 09:00 - 10:00
Location Springerzaal

Opening Speaker – CC Diagnostics

CC-Diagnostics started as a small company created by students from the RUG with a passion and a vision. They recognise the preventability of cervical cancer in women. The early precancerous changes in cervical cells can be detected and treated. CC Diagnostics has the goal to improve this screening by making it more accurate and easier for women to participate. They are going to do this by implementing a new diagnostic test to replace the current one. This should Reduce false positives and decrease the medical costs in the Netherlands alone by 2.9 million euros!

They will open the 21st of March with a talk on how to develop from student to entrepreneur and how to build such a successful start-up yourself. If you have any questions on how to start your career not as an employee but as an Entrepreneur? This is the chance to ask, and to hear the story of Nutte van Belzen.

Please note that this module does not require you to sign up!