Activity details

Company Teijin Aramid
Date March 21
Time 10:00 - 11:00
Location Zaal 12A
Language English

Presentation – Teijin Aramid

Join us for an informative session with Teijin Aramid, where we lead the way in aramid technology, striving to create breakthroughs in quality, performance, and sustainability across various applications. Our collaborative approach and expertise enable us to co-create sustainable advancements tailored to industry-specific needs, bringing aspirations to life.

Our presentation will be about the production process of Aramid and the related career opportunities at Teijin Aramid. We’ll dive deeper into the steps necessary to create our monomers and polymers which ultimately lead to the creation of a material which is stronger than steel, but much lighter in weight, making it the ideal construction material in numerous applications.