Founded in 1949
Dwingeloo (Global)
160 (Global)

Primary study preferences

Applied mathematics Artificial intelligence Computing science Information Science Mathematics

Secondary study preferences

Astronomy Physics


Engineering IT Scientific Research

Company info

ASTRON is the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, ASTRON is part of the institutes organisation of NWO. Our mission is to make discoveries in radio astronomy happen. We do this by developing new and innovative technologies, operating world-class radio astronomy facilities, and pursuing fundamental astronomical research.

We are geared to capitalise our expertise in radio astronomy technology and astronomical research to the benefit of society. Our pursuit of cutting-edge, fundamental science, coupled with advanced observing facilities and a strong R&D enable us reach this goal.



Sip & connect

Sip & Connect — ICD

ASTRON, Innovatiecluster Drachten (ICD) March 12 - 16:00
Speed date
Speed date

Speed date — Precision and Innovation

ASTRON,, Innovatiecluster Drachten (ICD), Kwant Controls March 12 - 11:00
Business Expo
Speed date

Business Expo — 12th March

Beta Business Days, Chipsoft, TNO, Johnson & Johnson, Enshore, Warpnet, TMC Technology Oost B.V., Tata Steel, CGI Nederland, YER, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Shell, Avebe, ASTRON, Philips, Ventura Systems, WellGear, eLabNext, Kwant Controls March 12 - 14:30