
Groningen (NL)
Groningen (Global)

Primary study preferences

Applied mathematics Applied physics Artificial intelligence Astronomy Biology Biomedical engineering Chemical engineering Chemistry Computing science Ecology and evolution Energy and environmental sciences Industrial engineering & management Information Science Mathematics Pharmacy Physics Supply chain management

Company info

What is Innokite, and how can it help you?

Innokite is a new entrepreneurship program at the University of Groningen designed to help ambitious people—like you—find their way into startups. Whether you have an idea or want to join a startup team, Innokite provides the structure, mentorship, and connections to make it happen.
Not sure where to start? That’s where the Incubate Tier comes in. This entry-level phase allows participants to explore their entrepreneurial mindset, test the feasibility of their ideas, and develop the skills needed to thrive in a startup environment. From there, they can speed up their growth through Acceleration Bursts—short, intensive modules that help refine their business models and strategies.
Innokite is designed to help future entrepreneurs—whether you’re launching your own venture or looking to become a crucial part of an existing startup team.




Fireside Chat – Getting Into Startups Without Your Own Idea — Innokite

Innokite March 13 - 10:00