
Founded in 1891
Amsterdam (Global)
11.000 (NL)
74 (Global)

Primary study preferences

Artificial intelligence Biomedical engineering Industrial engineering & management Supply chain management

Secondary study preferences

Applied physics Chemistry


Engineering Health Marketing

Company info

At Philips, our purpose is to improve people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation. We aim to improve 2.5 billion lives per year by 2030, including 400 million in underserved communities.

As a technology company, we – and our brand licensees – innovate for people with one consistent belief: there’s always a way to make life better.


Opening speaker

Opening Speaker — Sjoerd Hagen (Philips)

Philips March 12 - 09:00
Business Expo
Speed date

Business Expo — 12th March

Beta Business Days, Chipsoft, TNO, Johnson & Johnson, Enshore, Warpnet, TMC Technology Oost B.V., Tata Steel, CGI Nederland, YER, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Shell, Avebe, ASTRON, Philips, Ventura Systems, WellGear, eLabNext, Kwant Controls March 12 - 14:30