V.O. Patents & Trademarks

V.O. Patents & Trademarks
Founded in 1916
The Hague (NL)
The Hague (Global)
170 (NL)
200 (Global)

Primary study preferences

Biomedical engineering Chemical engineering Chemistry Industrial engineering & management Mathematics Physics

Secondary study preferences

Applied mathematics Applied physics Artificial intelligence Astronomy Computing science Ecology and evolution Pharmacy


biopharmaceuticals Biotechnology Chemicals chemistry Consultancy electronics Engineering manufacturing Research & Development Scientific Research

Company info

As a business owner, you want to meet market demand and stay a step ahead of the competition.  Patents can play an important role here.  When you are choosing the right strategy and approach it is essential that these are in keeping with your situation. You can expect us to have skilled specialists in house with knowledge about your technology or business sector.

V.O. helps a wide variety of clients in different sectors with their specific challenges. We adopt a tailor-made approach for each company where our starting point is always: IP is an important resource for enabling your idea or company to be more profitable. It is an investment that pays returns.

A well-considered approach to your IP strengthens the reputation of your company around the world. And that helps you to find serious partners.
A strong IP portfolio can contribute to the value of your business. Furthermore, your rights or issuing licences allow innovations to be more profitable.
Innovation often involves ups and downs: that means investing over and over again. A patent can protect your work against misuse by others.
Patents can attract investors: they represent financial value and reassure interested parties that your ideas are protected.

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Presentation — V.O Patents

V.O. Patents & Trademarks March 13 - 10:00
Business Expo
Speed date

Business Expo — 13th March

Beta Business Days, NRG, Alliander, ASML, Cleopatra Enterprise, TMC Technology Oost B.V., Valcon, YER, V.O. Patents & Trademarks, Envalior, Avebe, THOST Project Management The Netherlands B.V., WellGear, Web-IQ, eLabNext, Demcon, Eurailscout, Witteveen + Bos March 13 - 14:30